
Hello and thank you for visiting! Reading is such a vital part of every child's success in school. Parents who read to their young children impact their ability and interest to learn to read. I want to be able to help children and their parents feel successful at school now and in the future. What better way than with books! As a result, I have decided to implement literacy kits in my classroom this fall. My goal is to create and log at least 34 kits for the start of the 2011-12 school year; enough for each one of my students to be able to check out a kit to take home.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Shape Kit

Shape Kit Contents
Apes Find Shapes by Jane Belk Mancure
Shapes All Over Town Book & Magnet Fun by Scholastic Inc.
10 Crayons: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, Brown & Grey
Play-Doh Wheel (or cookie cutters)
One Play-Doh Container
Parent Direction Page:
"Color My Shapes" Page:

Journal Page:

Back at it!

Now that the end of the school year has passed and I have had a week of vacation with my family, I can continue working on literacy kits to reach my goal of 34+ by fall 2011.  Those of you who have sent me emails, I appreciate the feedback! Feel free to post a comment for others to share, too!